Running Post

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Running Post

Minggu, 25 Juni 2017

I am not sure if anyone is interested but I thought I would do a blog post about running. It is my own blog after all I should be able to share what I feel like!

I have been quite addicted to running lately. It is my favourite way to exercise and since becoming a mum a great way to have some "me time". I have been running on and off for the past 5-6 years completing quite a few fun runs ranging from 5k to 14km but I have not run much at all since giving birth to my twins. Almost 2 years ago!

This year I only started running in April and have been going for early morning runs before my husband and twins wake up at 5h30/6am 2-4 times per week and I do a "long run" on Sundays. I started very slowly and not running more than 10-20 minutes just to get my fitness back up and get into the habit of waking up early and going for a run in the dark. I have been using the Nike+ Run Club app and their coaching program.

I have found after a weeks it is my favourite moment of the day (although coming back and jumping in the hot shower and sometimes back into bed is amazing too!) The days I go for runs I am much happier, calmer, more patient with my cheeky twins and more energised.

A long time goal of mine has been to complete a half marathon. I decided to sign up and do the Perth City 2 Surf Marathon at the end of August this year. It starts in Perth city, goes around Kings Park and finish at the beach! 21.1 km will definitely be very hard but I am excited to see if I can do it!

So I have 9 more weeks to go and increase my long runs while staying injury free and in the meantime I will keep making lots of yummy healthy vegan recipes! Because the best thing about running lots is able to eat all the food I want haha

I will post a few more blog posts about running and training for a half marathon while eating vegan. In the meantime let me know if you like running? have you done a half marathon?
